20.03.09 |
Πηγή: http://zoophilia-pets.blogspot.com/2009/03/blog-post_8799.html
Ο Διεθνής Οργανισμός για την υγεία των ζώων (ΟΙΕ) πρότεινε προς την ΕΕ οδηγίες τον Οκτώβριο του 2008 σχετικά με τη λύση του προβλήματος των αδέσποτων και τη διαφύλαξη της υγείας των πολιτών.
Δυστυχώς αυτές οι οδηγίες προωθούν τη λύση της "ευθανασίας" (με ηλεκτρισμό και ...θαλάμους αερίων!) αντί για τη στείρωση και φιλοξενία των αδέσποτων σε καταφύγια με ευθύνη των κυβερήσεων και των τοπικών αρχών.
Στο Αγγλικό κείμενο, προτείνεται στους κατοίκους των ... πολιτισμένων χωρών να προωθήσουν το κείμενο και στους τοπικούς βουλευτές για μεγαλύτερη πίεση, αλλά εδώ στην Ελλάδα δεν ενδιαφέρονται για άλλα και άλλα, σιγά μην ενδιαφερθούν γι αυτό...
You may have already received the enclosed and signed the petition, but
if you haven't, please do so AND also pass the email on to your MP,
requesting that they oppose the so-called '.....new animal health
strategy - Draft guidelines on stray dog population control of the
World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) formulated by the
Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission (Report October 2008).
Please ask your MP to reply to you and state their 'opinion' and if
they say they have not heard about the matter, urge them to inform
themselves and act accordingly.
Please HELP prevent the European Union from implementing the mass
killings of stray animals and the union-wide installation of killing
shelters by signing this petition!
Copied below are extracts from the page which explains proposed NEW
recommendations on how stray dogs and cats should be dealt with ...Α
decision is to be made by the EU in May, thus the urgency of this
petition and request that you pass the information on to everybody you
"The problem:"
The growing numbers of abandoned and free-roaming pets (especially dogs
and cats) have become a problem in some European states. More and more
we are confronted with horrific news about and pictures of animals that
have been poisoned or otherwise killed and animals who have been
subjected to terrible abuse. Animal welfare activists have been trying
for many years to improve the situation for strays and have made great
personal and financial efforts to do so. Within the affected countries
the legal protection of pets is either missing, completely inadequate
or rarely implemented.
In recent times throughout the world and in some European countries
strays have been held responsible for the spread of rabies and other
diseases. In some countries mass killings of roaming dogs and cats have
already been undertaken under this pretence.
"The legislators"
In May 2008 the European Union published the “European Parliament
resolution of 22 May 2008 on a new animal health strategy for the
European Union 2007-2013 (2007/2260(INI)). Beside other aspects this
strategy provides for a strong dependency on the “Draft guidelines on
stray dog population control” of the World Organization for Animal
Health (OIE) formulated by the Terrestrial Animal Health Standards
Commission (Report October 2008). All member states of the EU are
members of the OIE as well.
"The solution of the stray dog problem in accordance with the OIE"
The draft guidelines of the OIE have already accepted methods used by
various non-European countries. The guidelines of OIE are strongly
targeted on economic aspects. They define clearly the methods required
for implementation of containment of rabies connected with the stray
problem. The OIE, whose leading commissioners come from countries
having problems with strays, naturally support the immediate
elimination of the problem. The fastest solution for solving the stray
problem according to the OIE guidelines is euthanasia of the animals.
The “humane” methods accepted by the OIE for eliminating stray
populations range from the insertion of a captive bolt into the head
followed by pithing prior to exsanguination - to death in gas chambers
or electrocution.
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